Category: "Death"

Thanks for the question. This writer’s four year old son died of cancer and nobody could tell me why. This is much like question 2,3 and 7. There is no specific answer that I can give. I have to say that many of our modern sicknesses are self inflicte… more »
This is a question we all ask. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Part of The Lord’s prayer as it has become says; “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Read it slowly and digest every word. “Thy (God’s) king… more »
The death of Jesus was the central ?core? of God?s plan to enable us to get into heaven. When Jesus left his home in heaven, he knew that he was going to later, die for us all. In all his time on earth, He knew that crucifixion lay ahead. Wow! His de… more »
Thank you. You children never cease to thrill me with your ideas and questions. I have never thought on this. The Bible says that He was like us in every way. He got tired, weary, frustrated, angry, hungry and thirsty. I sort of cringe at writing what… more »
Be assured - Jesus felt the pain like anybody else. Apart from the nails He suffered much, much more, but I think you ought to read it yourself to be able to fully understand the price He paid for us. It does not get talked about much these days. Some… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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