Category: "God"

No, God is not like smoke or a gas and I really cannot explain exactly how He can be everywhere at once. But I do know that somehow a person praying in England at midnight is heard by God, as is a person praying in Argentina at the same time: 7.00 pm.… more »
Wow! A great question and I do not really know how God did it. But when closely examined like through a microscope: “We are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Look up ‘spirit’ in a dictionary or the WWW. Our bodies are tripartite (three parts): body, soul… more »
The Bible does not tell about such things. I would like to think that it was an eagle – it could fly over it all – and report back as to how they were all getting along. more »
Again the bible does not say. The first words recorded of God speaking to others is:“And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, and in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air.’” (Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26a) A… more »
So I could enjoy the beauty of lovely kids and big (grown up) girls. Also flowers, trees, millions of plants, birds, and four different seasons. God did a lovely job in making girls for us guys, but He ought to have taught us guys how better to keep our… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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