Category: "God"

Oh boy...lots will read this one! At about 12 years old Jesus upset his parents and caused considerable trouble for them, yes he did. Jesus had important things to do and said to them: “Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business?” Big… more »
I do not believe that God does that these days because if He did, He would let us know that He did it. This whole business of cancer and tumours cannot be simply nailed down to any single cause. Research tells us that there are many known causes and… more »
Because He is real. If Jesus and his Father, God, were not a reality, the Bible would be just another history book and quietly forgotten. In the 2013 years since Jesus was here believers have steadily increased from 13 to about 2,000,000,000. ‘What is… more »
A very observant question indeed for which I thank you. People do say that: ”God took him/her.” I do not agree with saying that lightly. Why? Well, one must be careful about ‘Putting words in God’s mouth,’ or claiming to know what God’s plans are. I… more »
Good question thank you. I do know a little about Egypt. There is plenty of water and land. The Nile River is 6,500km long and has a huge dammed lake 500km long in the hills. Look up Aswan High Dam on the www to read and decide for yourself: What is the… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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