Category: "God"

Mostly anything that they have taught by their parents, because everybody needs, even long, to believe in a god of some sort because the human heart: ‘…has an empty space that only God can fill.’ There are many people in developing countries; (that is a… more »
Great question and I cannot fully answer it. I know that He sees everything because He is omnipresent (everywhere at once).There are quite a few Bible verses that mention this. Remember, God is not bound by human limits like we are so He does not get… more »
I like this question because I would like Jesus to come down – now! That would be the ‘Second Coming’ that Jesus talked about a lot. The end of ’The Age’ He called it, and that would bring in the new world that God has planned, and the end of evil in… more »


Q167: Can God help me?

Sure can…just ask Him to and he will in a most amazing way. God does and always will help people. He is always there and ready to help. You can get help – but it’s not like in a supermarket where you get what you want, when you want it. It is a lifetime… more »
Well done to think on this and ask about it. Only Moses had the honour of having God speak with him ‘face to face’. That’s very rare! The Bible says: ‘No one can see God and live.’ In Numbers chapter 12 God spoke from the ‘cloud’ and said to Aaron and… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
Multiple blogs solution